A TIMELESS VOICE, A fleeting moment

Meg once wished she could just become a real-life Barbie doll. Not in the sense of some unattainable physical beauty and perfection, but in the shear ability to wake up and "be" something or someone different every day - one day, a cardiovascular surgeon; the next day, a commercial pilot; and so on. 

Reinvention of oneself is an interesting topic. Sometimes it's done out of the industry need to stay relevant. Sometimes it's done out of the private need to accept and even love oneself. Sometimes, it's simply the product of authentic evolution of the human body and psyche. Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that it's more present than any natural Darwin-esque theories about genus and species. 

People who cannot invent and reinvent themselves must be content with borrowed postures, secondhand ideas, fitting in instead of standing out.
— Warren Bennis

Meg has very much reinvented herself and evolved over the last few decades. However, she feels at peace with where she is now in this crazy game called "life." She fills her days with agency work and her nights with karaoke and cherished time with those closest to her in Nashville, TN. 

Now, she'll never tell you that her contentment would lead to complacency or the lack of reinvention. Nah, that journey to find that something in life that she just can't put her finger on will continue to drive purposeful evolution. However, for now... she's ready for a journey, a musical journey, of timelessness and truth. Because for this one fleeting moment in time, she just needs to be Meg